全球仿生設計競賽社會組(OPEN Category)參賽說明

在現今世界,7個人當中,就有1個人長期處於飢餓之中。預估到了2050年,全球將達90 億人口,屆時,如何讓人人皆得溫飽 ? 然而,有人食不果腹之際,全球卻有5億人處於肥胖之慮!各國也逐漸傳出食安危機…營養不均或營養不對稱、不安全的食物都是目前世界的困境。

全球仿生協會(The Biomimicry Institution)舉辦全球大賽,邀請關心食物供應系統的有志之士共同思考,從農場/漁場到餐桌的過程中,有哪一個環節可以被改善? 讓我們從大自然的智慧中找尋解方,並以仿生概念為設計原則,發展出解決方案或輔助工具。在協助改善糧食短缺問題的同時,亦創造對生命健康有益的環境!

發揮創新精神,與世界共同角逐 10 萬美金的獎勵金以及育成加速機會,同時也讓國際創投、天使投資人看到你的商業潛力!

詳情請參閱全球仿生協會網站: http://challenge.biomimicry.org/或聯繫

台灣仿生科技與五生產業發展協會秘書長 江佳純

Julia.chiang@biomimicrytaiwan.org /0912-338544



Food Systems (食物供應體系) 


  • 2 人以上、8 人以下,不限年齡、職別的各界人士皆可組隊報名參加,亦可延攬學生加入團隊
  • 35 歲以上的碩士、博士等,雖具學生資格,但需報名社會組


上網註冊 (http://challenge.biomimicry.org/en/ ) –>  報名繳交作品

註: 作品繳交行政手續費用

  • 早鳥 (2016/04/11 前): 美金 $100 
  • 標準: 美金 $120


  • 網站註冊 – 即日起
  • 報名上傳作品截止 – 2016 年 5 月 11 日(美國太平洋時間  23:59)
  • 成績公佈 – 2016 年 8-9 月


  • 進入決賽者,共同角逐 10 萬美金的希望基金
  • 獲得育成加速機會與獎勵金
  • 國際創投投資或天使基金合作的機會



  1. Team Information: Names and email addresses for all team members, location, and school and advisor/mentor name, if relevant.
  2. Project title (70 character limit)
  3. Design concept overview (300 words maximum): A brief overview of your design concept. This text will be used to describe your project in our public online submissions gallery.
  4. Design concept image (JPG format): A photograph, rendering, or illustration representing your design concept . This will be the primary image used to identify your project on our website or in related media.
  5. Team photo (JPG format): The team photo will be used in our gallery of submissions and/or in related media. The photo should depict all team members.
  6. Video pitch (3 minutes maximum): The video should provide an overview of your design, highlight your design process, convey key discoveries or insights, and ultimately convince the judges that your idea has merit. The video must be uploaded to Vimeo.com and publicly available for view.
  7. Project presentation document (PDF format, 15 pages or less, no larger than A4 size): A presentation in the form of PowerPoint or Keynote slides (or similar text and image layout). This document will not be made public.See below for details on the content that this presentation must include, based on the category in which you submit.
  • An overview of your scoping process
  • A description or depiction of your biological inspiration process
  • A discussion or depiction of how nature’s unifying patterns were considered and applied to the design, including evidence of how this solution represents significant environmental or social wins.
  • The business case for your proposed solution. A discussion of value proposition and target customer segments is required; a Business Model Canvas is optional.
  • A discussion of the current limitations of your design and a description of next steps, obstacles to be overcome for the design to be implemented, and unknown factors to be considered (e.g. materials needed, engineering tests required, etc.)
  • An indication of your team dynamics and the team’s ability to succeed.
  • A list of all references and sources, including experts consulted.


關於全球仿生競賽(Biomimicry Global Design Challenge)

仿生協會(The Biomimicry Institute)由仿生大師 Ms. Janie Benyus 與合夥人創立於2006年,至今以推廣仿生學教育、舉辦全球競賽、經營仿生數位平台為主要業務。台灣已於2014年成為全球第30個區域分會。

2010 年,仿生協會開始舉辦全球聯盟學校的仿生設計競賽,希望學生藉由學習模仿大自然的智慧為該年的主題挑戰,提出創新解決方法,並聯結社會資源輔導優選團隊開發產業發展應用,落實仿生科技的推進;2011年開始擴大舉辦,開放給所有的大專院校。截至2014年為止,四年內,競賽者已橫跨全球六大洲、51個國家、2500個參賽者,並開發出3個仿生產品、取得1個專利。2015年首度開放社會組參加競賽。

food systems_seed

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