關注全球仿生設計競賽的學生或社會人士有福了! 每個月,我們將舉辦一場主題線上研討會,從各個角度邀請專家一同參與討論。除了專家的分析,與會者也能從中提出問題,這時候也是向其他團隊的提問學習的好機會! 以下為線上研討會的時程與主題,欲參加者請從中挑選時間,並至 biomimicryinstitute.webex.com 參與討論,趕快把時間訂下來喔~
Food System Challenges and Opportunities
March 17 & 18*
- Session A: March 17 at 10am MDT (4pm GMT)
- Session B: March 18 at 8pm MDT (*March 19, 10am Taipei Time)
- Note: the same content will be presented in each session.
The food system is large and incredibly complex. Where will you focus your efforts? This webinar will feature Nathanael Johnson, author and food writer at Grist, who will provide an introduction to some of the most pressing needs and opportunities for innovation in the food system. Afterward, we’ll discuss some important factors to consider as you zero in on a specific challenge to work on, and best practices for beginning a biomimicry design process.
Finding Inspiration in Nature
April 7 & 8*, 2015
- Session A: April 7 at 10am MDT (5pm British Summer Time)
- Session B: April 8 at 8pm MDT (*April 9, 10am Taipei Time)
- Note: the same content will be presented in each session.
Nature’s genius surrounds us. This webinar will equip you to find natural models that fit the design challenge you are working on. Learn the most effective ways to use our award-winning resource for biological inspiration, AskNature, as well as other strategies for finding inspiration in nature.
Applying Nature’s Unifying Patterns
May 5 & 6*, 2015
- Session A: May 5 at 10am MDT (5pm British Summer Time)
- Session B: May 6 at 8pm MDT (*May 7, 10am Taipei Time)
From Inspiration to Application
May 27 & 28, 2015
- Session A: May 27 at 10am MDT (5pm British Summer Time)
- Session B: May 28 at 8pm MDT (*May 29, 10am Taipei Time)
- Note: the same content will be presented in each session.
One of the most challenging and important steps in biomimicry is the translation of biological strategies into design strategies that can be applied to your design. In this webinar we’ll provide guidance for effectively and accurately doing so.
Applying the Systems View
June 16 & 17*, 2015
- June 16 at 10am MDT (5pm British Summer Time)
- June 17 at 8pm MDT (*June 18, 10am Taipei Time)
- Note: the same content will be presented in each session.
Designs, organizations, and biology are all composed of systems. Being knowledgeable about and aware of system interconnections can help you optimize design outcomes while considering Earth’s operating systems. This webinar will introduce systems thinking and provide guidance for evaluating your design through a systems lens.
Presented by: Curt McNamara, M.Eng, P.E., Faculty at Minneapolis College of Art and Design, and Biomimicry Fellow
Biomimicry and Business Planning
July 7 & 8*, 2015
- July 7 at 10am MDT (5pm British Summer Time)
- July 8 at 8pm MDT (*July 9, 10am Taipei Time)
- Note: the same content will be presented in each session.
Biomimicry is a powerful force for sustainable innovation. However, the reality is that many innovative ideas, biomimetic or not, do not find success in the market–some because they were not designed in context for a specific, viable market need, others due to a lack of resources needed to get to market. This webinar will help your team understand the market as an ‘ecosystem’ and offer tools that can help you to identify an appropriate market niche for your design.
Presented by: Faye Yoshihara, Principle of Forest Fractal LLC, faculty at the School of Business Administration at Portland State University, and Biomimicry Fellow.