2022「仿生設計競賽(Biomimicry Design Challenge) 」台灣海選已於2022年1月啟動!
台灣仿生科技發展協會舉辦全球仿生設計競賽台灣區海選、輔導大專以上團隊參與世界賽,至2021年已連續舉辦七年,至今累計來自全台近250 個大專院校科系團隊、超過850 位參與者! 2022年在科技部與新北市政府的支持下,台灣經濟研究院生物科技產業研究中心與台灣仿生科技發展協會共同舉辦「仿生設計競賽(Biomimicry Design Challenge) 」台灣海選,藉此輔導團隊以永續設計解決社會需求,與世界青年共同探討人類問題解方。
台灣訂定2050 年達成淨零碳排的目標,政府與民間正積極擬定相關途徑與行動方案。2022年,以自然為本、師法自然的仿生設計競賽主題為「如何透過仿生設計邁向2050淨零碳排目標」,徵求青年與大自然合作,在兼顧環境、社會、經濟面的前提下,為台灣提出永續設計方案。
競賽聯絡人:台灣仿生科技發展協會秘書長 江佳純 Tel: 02-25865000 ext.526 / 0933-625758/ julia.chiang@tier.org.tw
1. 報名與作品上傳:即日起至2022年4月30日(六) 晚上11:59截止
2. 決賽問答:2022年6月22日(三),進入決賽者進行團隊簡報提問(主辦單位將另行通知)
3. 成績公佈:2022年決賽後即公佈於協會官網
4. 仿生共學咖啡館:2022年6月22日(三) (與決賽簡報日同日)
1. 作品進入台灣海選決選之團隊皆可參與「仿生共學咖啡館」活動,接收最新仿生設計資訊,並由專家輔導團協助作品進行優化,以利商業化進程。
2. 依評審團決定頒發優勝獎狀。
3. 台灣海選各獎項獎金為五萬元,主辦單位保留調整獎項獎金分配方式之權利。
4. 台灣海選優勝團隊將受邀參與頒獎典禮,展示團隊作品。
(請詳官網http://www.biomimicrytaiwan.org 最新公告)
評選項目說明 https://www.biomimicrytaiwan.org/2023-judging-criteria/
- 報名網址: https://reurl.cc/Y94DgL
- 報名表單中有關個資與相關授權書(共3份),請下載後填寫完畢,以PDF檔規格上傳。表單包含:
※生物策略、台灣海選作品案例: www.biomimicrytaiwan.com
※仿生設計工具: https://toolbox.biomimicry.org/methods/
※台灣淨零碳排路徑圖 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YjI7J6DOAtBvocFE9HMT4WBP86IexJwa/view?usp=sharing
※影片拍攝/製作技巧: “Tips for Your Video Pitch"
Biomimicry Design Challenge: Taiwan Competition
Biomimicry Taiwan are partnered with Biotechnology Industry Study Center, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research to host the 2022 Biomimicry Design Challenge: Taiwan Competition. University students and young professionals who are interested in applying biomimicry design to generate sustainable solutions are invited!
Taiwan Competition is also collaborating with the Ministry of Science and Technology and New Taipei City Government, seeking innovations inspired by nature to meet net-zero goals. Winners of this challenge will have not only rewards but a chance to talk to consultants to bring your ideas to commercialization. Winners will also be invited to award ceremony to demo team’s work to get publicity.
The Challenges: Biomimicry Solution for Taiwan’s 2050 net-zero Carbon Emission Goal
Award: Total amount of cash over USD 8,000. Teams will be invited to join the Biomimicry Café, a chance to get expert guidance and support to further your design if teams reach to the final round.
Submission deadline: 23:59pm on April 30(Sat.), 2022
Judging Criteria: https://www.biomimicrytaiwan.org/2022-judging-criteria/
Application Form: https://reurl.cc/Y94DgL
Submission Requirement:
Team Information: Names and email addresses for all team members, location, and school and advisor/mentor name, if relevant.
Project title (70 character limit)
You will need to complete an online questionnaire, which will address the following topics:
- Define the problem you are trying to solve. (up to 150 words, will be posted for public view if chosen as finalist)
- What organisms/natural systems helped inform your design? (up to 150 words, will be posted for public view if chosen as finalist)
- What does your design do? Give a detailed technical overview of your solution. (up to 300 words, will be posted for public view if chosen as finalist)
- How does your solution address the problem or opportunity you selected? (up to 150 words)
- How compatible is your design with all surrounding living systems? Is it safe? How is it more sustainable than the alternatives? (up to 150 words)
- Team bio: discuss your team’s ability to succeed (up to 150 words)
Design concept image (JPG format): A photograph, rendering, or illustration representing your design concept. This will be the primary image used to identify your project publicly. To ensure quality, please upload images that:
- Are high resolution format (at least 300 DPI)
- Are in a landscape format if possible
- Include any copyright or photo credit information
Team photo (JPG format): The team photo will be in our resources, media, and solutions gallery. The photo should depict all team members. Group photos outside are always encouraged, if possible!
Video pitch (3 minutes maximum): The video should provide an overview of your design, highlight your design process, convey key discoveries or insights, and ultimately convince the judges that your idea has merit. The video must be uploaded online, (Vimeo and YouTube work best), published and made publicly available for view. For advice on creating your video, download this guide: “Tips for Your Video Pitch"
Project presentation document (PDF format, 10 pages or less, no larger than A4 size): A presentation in the form of PowerPoint or Keynote slides (or similar text and image layout). This document will not be made public. See below for details on the content that this presentation must include. Documents with more than 10 pages will be disqualified.
- An overview of your scoping process
- A description or depiction of your biological inspiration process
- A discussion of the current limitations of your design and a description of next steps.
- A list of all references and sources, including experts consulted, preferably cited using the Council of Science Editors (CSE) style.
- Image(s) or renderings of a prototype of your innovation. Your prototype is not required to be functional at this stage. Your prototype should be testing for both desirability (do people actually want what you are creating?) and feasibility (is it technically possible to build your solution?).*
- A discussion on the interviews you and your team conducted with the stakeholders and potential users of your innovation. Please interview at least ten stakeholders.
- Optional: high quality images of your biological inspiration with appropriate copyright information provided.
Competition Organizer: Biomimicry Taiwan, Biotechnology Industry Study Center, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
- Ministry of Science and Technology – Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development
- New Taipei City Government – Agriculture Department, Transportation Department, Department of Environmental Protection, Secretariat