Cities that Function Like Forests: Biomimicry Maps a Sustainable Future
學習38億年自然智慧 仿生科技建構都市永續未來
主題講者:Ms. Janine Benyus 珍妮.班亞斯
主 持 人 :關尚仁 (中華電視公司 前總經理)
指導單位:行政院 科技部 (NSC 102-2515-S-006-005-MY3)
日期時間:103年06月29日 星期日 10:00-12:00.
活動地點:國立成功大學 成功校區 理化大樓地下室 大格致廳講堂
活動聯絡:國立成功大學 材料系 李旺龍教授 0920-682-641 或
報名方式:請使用右側OR Code進入報名頁面
Biomimicry—innovation inspired by nature—has inspired wind farms that function like fish schools, windows that collect energy like leaves, walls that clean themselves with rainwater, and more. Janine Benyus and her colleagues at Biomimicry 3.8 have a new dream. What if a city could function as elegantly as the forest next door? What if it could fix carbon, store water, cool temperatures, cleanse air, build soil, support biodiversity, and remain resilient despite disturbance? What if cities were functionally indistinguishable from wildlands?
仿生(Biomimicry),由自然所激發的創新,已經擁有風電場如魚群般運作、窗戶如樹葉般的收集能源、牆壁以雨水自潔等等令人激賞的應用。珍妮班亞斯與仿生3.8協會 (Biomimicry 3.8)有一個新的夢想,如果一個都市能如鄰近的森林般優雅的運作,而這樣的運作能自行減少碳排放、儲存水資源、冷卻不斷上升的高溫、潔淨空氣、滋養土壤、促進生物多樣性、即便處於紛擾中仍能安定,整個城市與自然大地運行無異,那將是何種光景?
Janine and her team believe this is possible, but only if we embed quantitative aspirational goals into geodesign toolkits. Ecological Performance Standards are geo-coded metrics that challenge cities to meet or exceed the level of ecosystem services produced by native ecosystems: metric tons of water stored per acre each year, metric tons of air cleansed, centimeters of soil built and retained, etc. Each block would have a portion of the whole, and BIM-like simulation models would drive design of buildings, infrastructure, and landscapes that collectively meet citywide goals. Janine will describe the dream of mapping and modeling these standards worldwide to support the design of “generous” biomimetic cities. She’ll also discuss pilot studies with HOK planners in China and India.
珍妮與她的團隊相信這樣的夢想是可以實現的,只要我們把足夠的熱情放進都市規劃中。「生態成效標準(Ecological Performance Standards)」是地域的度量衡,用來促使都市的發展符合甚或超越原本在地生態系統所能創造的質量,包含每年每畝土地儲備了多少噸水資源、淨化了多少噸的空氣、豐沃或保留了多少厘米的土壤等等,每一街區皆能為整體成果帶來貢獻。而運用模擬類似「建築資訊模型(BIM) 」的方式,將能驅動建築的設計、基礎建設與整體景觀使其符合該都市發展的目標。
It’s time to unify fragmented sustainability efforts in cities. What better framework than one that is place-based, outcome oriented, and proven possible by the local ecologies that graciously gift us, 24/7, with conditions conducive to life?
珍妮將會述說在世界建構仿生都市的夢想以及成就的標準。同時,她也會提出與全球知名建築設計公司HOK團隊在中國與印度的前導研究,與台灣共同討論。現在,正是匯聚各式永續計劃於都市建設的時候。試想,有哪種架構藍圖能勝過大自然仁慈的贈與 – 也就是這些因應在地而生、成果導向、無數生態所印證,能無時無刻創造對生命有益的環境?